Monday, February 22, 2010

FI Reading, P 183-213

The stories that we read about poised many different questions to me while I was reading. I was surprisded at some of the radical ideas that Joel Salatin brought up about the food industry. I also enjoyed learning about his ideas on how to "fight the power" that is the processed food indusrty. On p. 196, he spoke about laying hens in an apartment as if this was normal. I thought it kind of strange, but I can understand his logic, somewhat. People have forgotten how to cook, and are used to being fed the ready-to-eat food becuase of its convenience. This section of the book really made me sit back and think about what I eat, and how concernced I was about where the food actually came from. Before I read this section I looked at food as something that I needed to have. I never stopped to question where the food actually came from. That could be due to the fact that the food industry doesnt want us to know where the food we are eating came from or how it was made into it's final form. Salatin does a good job of presenting a question or problem, and then tearing it down piece by piece with logic and solutions that seem simple yet effective. Planting a garden, buying local, and buying what is in season are just some ways that Salatin suggests opting out.

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